Last year on the school bus Cullen and Carson had a lot of little problems. There were no large issues but when their friends Jake and Josh were going to be car-riders I decided to give it a try too. It seemed like a good way to protect them from the evils of the bus, like bullies and learning new four-letter words. Well I guess I am not a very good mom because I hated sitting in the carpool line, especially with a screaming baby (which Lila was 80% of the time when it was time to bring them to school or pick them up). The last day we had school (Thursday) she was crying so hard that I had to park about 1/4 of a mile up the driveway from the school (the driveway to Duplessis Primary from the highway is pretty long) and walk while holding Lila. I walked up and got the boys and they hiked back to the car with me. Josh, who we carpooled with, innocently asked after a few minutes of walking "are we walking
all the way home?" The good news is that Lila was no longer crying and the boys had a good cardio workout walking so far with their backpacks. As of this morning my boys are back on the bus. I figure them learning a few new words or having a piece of artwork thrown out the window is a small price to pay. They'll learn it eventually somewhere anyway and I'm running out of room for the artwork.
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