Gone are the days when I wished for a Toys R Us closer to home. If it were closer, that would take away my excuse not to go. We went today after a three year break. The boys were having a sleepover at their cousin's house and it was my brilliant idea to take Lila on her first trip to the toy store. It was to be our special time with her since Kevin took the day off today and could join us for our glorious adventure. Did I mention that she is teething? Did I mention that "teething" means she is getting two molars at once? Oh, did I also mention that she is a week shy of being two? Needless to say everyone but us would know that going to a toy store in such a condition was not a good idea. We did get her two presents for her birthday (one from us, one from my mom and dad). I also found Baby Oragel in the check-out line. The trip ended with Kevin rushing our screaming child out to the truck while I raced to buy the presents, actually longing for the days when I just had to tell Cullen and Carson NO every time they asked for a new Pokemon and they sort of listened instead of this maniacal teething creature we voluntarily brought with us. I did take a moment to congratulate the check-out girl on her attempts to up-sell but that no, I did not care for insurance on the baby doll set or the Little Tikes car (or truck or train, depending on the mood Lila is in). Insurance on TOYS?? What the heck? They should up-sell Valium or margaritas when checking out at Toys R Us. They would make a killing.
the only place worse than Toys R Us is Walmart. (I know you go to Walmart, though)
i just discovered your blog! This entry was hilarious.
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