Sunday, October 10, 2010

Garden Party

Today we went to the sweetest little party for my our friends Wade and Cathy's three little girls. They each have October birthdays and they have their party all together at Cathy's parents' house "down the bayou" near Raceland. Lila and the boys all had so much fun with the mobile petting zoo and Cathy's yummy and adorable food and decorations. Not to mention her three sweet little girlies Eme, Cate, and Lily! This was in sharp contrast to our Laser Tag party earlier this weekend with Cullen, which included sweet kids but of the sweatier, boy, variety.

1 comment:

cathy gaubert said...

well, amy, you are the sweet one! i cannot even begin to tell you how happy we were that you all made the drive down (i know that made it a day-long affair for you). eme and cate loved their matching corduroys, and lily said that she can wear her skirt with jeans, so i think that the gifts were a good choice. :) in fact, eme and cate wore theirs to the pumpkin patch...perfect colors!
oh, and i didn't realize that lila was almost a meal for that goat!!!