Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Prayers: Lila Style

When home during the day we say prayers two times. Once when Lila takes her nap and once when she goes to bed at night (her dark nap, as she says). Sometimes Carson or Kevin will join us but usually it's me and Lila laying in her bed and, after we read a pile of books, we say prayers. She prays for her brothers, me, and her daddy. She prays for her cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and any friends she has seen of late. She prays for all of her brothers' friends ("thank you for ALL my brothers"). She prays for her teachers and the children at daycare. We usually pray for "babies, people who have babies, and people who want babies", which started when I had several friends with tough pregnancies. She also prays for her her birds and owls painted on the wall... "Thank you for that owl, and that owl, and that bird, and that bird, and that bird...". One thing she has never forgotten to pray for is our dog Jake, who died this past December. She prays for "my baby dolls and Jake"- always in that order. Today was the funniest/saddest one ever. She concluded her prayers with a command that she screamed at the top of her lungs "AND GOD, GIVE ME MY DOG BACK!" If it were only that easy.

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