Friday, January 30, 2009

Do I Dare Say it Outloud?

I am not sure if I should jinx things by saying it outloud but it appears that Miss Lila Phillips is on somewhat of a schedule. The last three nights she has gone all night without being fed. Each night she woke up several times but got herself back to sleep. This morning it was 5:40 a.m. when I got up with her and she had gone to bed at 7:00 p.m.! Since I am a morning person I don't mind getting up at 5:40. The problem was only when I was waking up at 5:40, and 3:00, and 1:00 with a baby who should have been beyond that. In addition, she is taking pretty regular naps and has responded well to being put in her bed while still slightly awake. It was just in time; I was about to go insane from continued interupted sleep combined with a serious lack of sleep in general. Now if we can just get Carson so stay in his bed at night too; he wakes up scared and comes running down the hall to our room. He is like a big puppy; he doesn't realize how big he is so he lumbers into our bed and splays his body all over the place. I don't mind too much because I like a good snuggle but Kevin gets Carson's feet and Carson's feet like to kick. I think it's kind of a sleeping Oedipal kind of thing; Carson would just as soon Kevin get out of the bed and go sleep in the bottom bunk. It is nice to be so loved that everyone wants to sleep in my bed and that Lila loves me so much she wakes up to spend extra time with me ;)

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