On Monday mornings my students often try to get me off task by asking me what I did over the weekend. Usually I don't have much to say. How can I put into words what I actually do all weekend? I do the usual laundry, cleaning, and errands of your typical mom but how do you explain what else the willing parent must do to entertain their offspring? Here is the answer to "what did you do this weekend?" as told in pictures.

I pulled up all of my overgrown flowers and planted new ones. I salvaged some pretty zinnias.

I bought what Carson needed to make his first recipe; pizza sandwiches.

The results! Yummy.

Lila drew "good days" on herself. These are smiley faces.

This is Lila's daycare. It was Cullen's idea then morphed into quite the weekend activity.

Lila put my old bonnet on her head, held onto the ties, then galloped around saying her own little version of giddy up.

Robot monster.

"I am not scary; don't you see my little girl toes?"
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