If I could I would love to plan birthday parties for a living. Of course then I would need to have
1) someone willing to pay me
2) that same someone would need to be willing for fork out big money for the ideas I have
3) they would need to be patient, since my good ideas don't always turn out the way they are supposed to
Of course, I try to make my ideas come to life on a budget (of sorts). Lila's second birthday party is in two days and the theme is "Little Fishy". I have to be honest: most of my ideas for this party looked way better in my head that they have once they have actually been done. The invitations were cute but not quite what I envisioned. The little goldfish bowls full of blue jello and Swedish fish look like goldfish bowls full of blue jello and some unidentifiable blobs. The mini cups of blue jello and Swedish fish (one for each little guest) look like blue jello with dead fish in it. Kevin thought I was making jello shots at first, which was scary because does he really think I am so far gone as to serve jello shots at a two year old's party? We'll have out the big water slide, a new ball sprinkler I got, and a bubble machine. Most of all, Lila will have fun seeing her friends, family, and decorations and I know the things that look imperfect to me will look great to her. On an end note, here is a link to a cute blog my friend Cathy posted on facebook with an Alice in Wonderland theme. I think it's so cute and would work for any age.
13 years ago
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