I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions because I usually break them and I hate to set myself up for failure. For this same reason instead of making a "to do" list with just big statements on it I break it into smaller tasks... "Do laundry" turns into "1. Wash Laundry (2) Put away kids laundry (3) put away adult laundry," etc. That way even if I don't finish it all I still feel like I did something. There is a fine line between OCD and normal and I walk on it daily...
My New Year's resolutions this year will not involve weight loss. I do want to lose 8 pounds but I'm not fully committed yet. Instead, this is what I plan to do:
1. Learn all of the Countries in Africa:
Did you know that there are up to 54 if you count the islands like Madagascar? I am counting those too. I only know TEN so being the geography snob that I am I feel ignorant. I learned many of them in the past but forget them. I was one of four people to make an "A" in the second Geography at LSU and I intend to keep my bragging rights. I have printed a blank map and I have printed one with the countries listed on them. I plan to know them by mid-February.
2. Teach the Kids Religion
I just want to work on some of the basics... the songs, the stories, the books of the Bible, the interesting things that kids should just know. They don't seem to learn as much during their one hour of catechism each week. The teachers there are so sweet and it's an organized program but an hour a week just isn't enough. This way I can do it MY way. I don't plan to ever enroll them in Catholic school but I can definitely teach them more about The Bible.
13 years ago
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