I love Halloween and fall decorations. I don't go as all-out with them as I would like but I have visions of skeletons and spooky ghouls dancing in my head each Halloween. I also love Halloween treats and goodies. Here are two of the things I made this year. Both were VERY easy. The first idea came from Kristen Milligan (thanks, Facebook!) and the second I think was from Stampin' Up! years ago. I took a picture with my phone and assured myself that I would do it. Three years have passed and voila, I have made them! The cute little monster treats are for the severe special needs trick-or-treaters at EA. The National Honor Society students take them treat-or-treating to the classrooms and it's so cute to see. I like to have something special for them.
These are for Lila's little class.

My silly assistant
Moon pies decorated with cookie icing! Lila asked if it was her because the dots on top looked like curly hair to her. Luckily her teeth don't look like that.

I used the cookie icing that you can buy in the baking aisle at Wal-Mart. It's not super cheap but time is money and what's $3/tube when it saves you mixing and cleaning time? It was so easy to use and it hardened nicely. I still am storing my monster treats spread out so that their toothy smiles don't run any risk of being messed up.