Friday, January 30, 2009
Do I Dare Say it Outloud?
Monday, January 26, 2009

Lila's Little Playdate

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Making King Cakes

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Throw Me a New Catalog, Mister!*
- Thursday, February 5, 2009
- 3:00-8:00 p.m. (come and go as you please!)
- Cost: nothing!
- Project: make a Valentine's Day card for free
- There will be multiple door prizes. The grand prize will be 20% off your entire order placed within two days of the open house. The grand prize winner will be determined by who gets the baby in the King Cake! Catalogs will be available for all hostess club members and those who pre-ordered them. I will also have a limited number of extra catalogs on hand for purchase for those who did not pre-order them.
- Please r.s.v.p. as soon as you can so that I know how much food to prepare and how many projects I will need to get ready!
- A note about children: teens and pre-teens are always welcome but I have a one project per family rule at my free events. If you have issues attending without your smaller children please let me know and we will see what we can work out!
*No new catalogs will actually be thrown; they will be handed gently to the recipient
Friday, January 23, 2009

I joined the social networking group Facebook in June. I did it simply so that I could see my cousin Sally's pictures that she posted on her own Facebook page. Little did I know that so many people I know or have known would also be on Facebook six months later. For the most part, I really enjoy it. People post little snippets in the form of status updates and I like to see what other people are doing. For the most part it's reassuring to see that most other people's lives are as ordinary as mine. I also really like looking at everybody's kids. Even though some of my Facebook friends are people I haven't hung out with since Girl Scouts in the fifth grade it's still neat checking out their offspring. The only difficult issue I have had is when people ask to be my Facebook friend and I either have no clue who they are or no interest in being their friend. As of now when as Facebook friend request is sent to a person they have two choices... you can either "confirm" or "ignore" that request. If you ignore it the person you are ignoring doesn't know it and may send another request. And another. And another. There is no "deny" option; I guess the people at Facebook are too nice to do that. I propose the following additions to the choices when presented with a friend request.
- confirm
- confirm although I never really was friends with you in the first place I am interested to see how you're doing and maybe look at some pictures of your kids and pets and maybe of you scuba diving or something
- confirm although I only remembered you when I looked you up in the high school yearbook
- deny; I have no flipping clue who you are even when I look carefully at your picture. Either you got really fat or I never knew you.
- deny; I hated you in college so why would I be friends with you now?
I doubt these changes will be made but it would be nice to be able to be more specific when posed with a difficult friendship request. On a side note, the photo above is my Facebook picture. Notice that it looks like me and I follow my own photo tips by holding a baby to distact from my negative features.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Difficult Conversation

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I will soon be having my first Stamp-n-Scrap in a long time. Here are the details:
- Friday, January 30 from 5:00-11:00 (OK to come later, of course!)
- At my house
- Cost: $14 (includes dinner and assorted refreshments).
- There will be no planned projects; just bring your own things to work on even if no stamps or Stampin' Up! products are involved.
- You will have full access to all of my non-consumable supplies, including all of my stamp sets and my Big Shot machine.
The theme will be Winter Fiesta... the meal will be taco soup and our snacks will be according to theme as well. However, speaking Spanish is not required since my conversation would be limited to the words "hello, goodbye, chicken, and salad". No alcohol will be provided but if you choose to bring something for yourself of course that is fine!
Please let me know if you'd like to join us! Friends are welcome too; just be sure to r.s.v.p. quickly as I have limited space. You can e-mail me at to register or to ask a question.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Looking and Feeling Your Best (in photos and in real life)
Taking Good Pictures
1. Don't take pictures with skinny people. Find an excuse to get out of doing it... you have to pee, your child needs you, whatever. Don't do it.
2. To make number one easier you can do several things:
- Be the photographer
- Go out to eat with your friends often and ply them with beer and fried foods. Then eat lettuce yourself.
- You can't avoid taking pictures with family so learn from my mistakes. My sister-in-laws and sister are all pretty. If I could turn back time I would find wives for my brothers that were not as attractive and would have checked to make sure there weren't pretty women in Kevin's family before it was too late. I would also have slipped weight-gaining materials into my little sister's drinks. It is all too late for this.
- Be a recluse. If you don't have friends then you won't have friends who are skinnier than you.
3. Children and pets are great props and distractions in pictures and in real life.
- You can hold babies over your weak spots (notice how I usually hold Lila in front of my belly) or, when they are older, have them stand in front of you. This also works with big dogs. It doesn't work if your face is your weak spot because then the pictures will just look stupid.
- Dress your children cute. Then people will notice your cute children first and just do a cursory glance over you. The same applies to cute little dogs. They may think you are goofy if you dog is wearing clothes BUT that is still a good distraction. This is why I had Lila; the boys wouldn't let me dress them cute anymore (gym shorts and tee shirts!) so I had to have another baby to take the attention away from me.
4. Do NOT look your best in high school. I know it may be too late for you but think about it this way; just as you don't want your favorite team to be ranked pre-season number one you don't want to be the most attractive in high school. Teams that are ranked number one usually just fall hard. On the same token, if you look your best as a teenager you can only go downhill. That is why I wore frumpy clothes in high school. It was part of my master plan to get better with age.
Those are my pearls of wisdom for the day. Maybe for the month; my wisdom is in short supply so it may not come your way again anytime soon.Sunday, January 11, 2009
Businesses That I Like

Friday, January 9, 2009
Hostess Club: January

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Table Manners

Photo Frame Clipboard