I actually had one of my toughest conversations with Cullen today. It started yesterday when we drove by our church. In front there were over one hundred small white crosses and a sign that said "Abortion Kills". Cullen asked "What's abortion?" and then "Can we catch it?" (if it kills, it must be a disease). I knew Carson, in his infinite sensitivity, was not ready for this discussion so I told Cullen we would talk about it later. Later was today, when he asked again. I closed the door to Lila's room, where we were playing with her on the floor. I told Cullen that sometimes God gives people babies and they aren't ready for them and don't want them. I said that these people go to a special clinic and a medical person (I didn't want to say doctor) does something to kill the baby while it's still in the mom's belly. He was solemn but not upset. I asked him why the Catholic church and other churches would be against abortion. It took him just a second to say "Because there won't be as many Catholics?" I snickered but said no, not because of that. As we watched Lila play on the floor I reminded him that being alive and healthy is a great gift and to hurt that life goes against God's wishes. I reminded a former student of mine who is about to have her first baby that babies are the single greatest gift humans get. However, just like all gifts you don't always get to choose what you get and when you get it. I did not tell him that often people don't expect babies and still get them (Lila) or take many extra steps to try to get babies (Cullen and Carson). I tried to remember to only give as much information as they ask for. I guess talking about sex will be harder but I will do like my mom did and take him to a busy restaurant where the tables are close together and tell him all about it while he cringes with embarrassment.
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