I am so proud that my boys are both readers. I am lucky so far that both of them love reading and are good at it. It is slow-going but Cullen is over 70% done with the fourth book of the Harry Potter series. Carson jumps around a lot but is reading the first Harry Potter book and the Magic School Bus series. Honestly, as long as they are reading I'm happy! Even if Lila ends up being a book burner or something awful like that at least 2/3 of my children read. I will shoot for 3/3 since I really don't condone book burning or playing with fire in any shape or form.
well, this just warms my heart! i am so excited to know that they are reading the harry potter books...quite an under-taking at their age. the girls love books, too, and i can't wait for the day when they will happily lay in bed to read a book before going to sleep...without one of us having to be there in bed, too. because while i love that time with them, i can sort of cramp my style, you know?
rats...what is that hyphen doing in there? sorry!
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