Here are some new pictures of Lila, who is almost three months old. She is getting a little less colicky and she is sleeping through the night 2 out of 3 nights. I consider sleeping 8 hours or more in a row to be "through the night" even if her 8 or more hours don't coincide with when I go to bed. She has slept as many as nine hours straight. She was also Baptized last weekend at our church in Prairieville (I am sure I will post some pictures once I get them from my mom). In addition, she is trying very hard to roll over and suck her thumb (although the thumb is proving to be elusive so far). The boys are loving her so much and having a lot of fun. Cullen often helps when I am trying to clean the kitchen by making her smile and gurgle.
she is beautiful. love the smocked dress & the bloomers -- something I'll never have in my house. ;-)
i do think every little girl should have those bloomers - and they are precious on Lila! the lady at Enchanted Closet on Lee Drive hand stitches them
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